Ads exposure tracking

You can track the exposition of users to the different kind of Ads format that exist today:

  • Display Ads: All Ads that are either static image/animations or HTML5 animated Ads

  • Video Ads: All Video Ads that the User can see through a marketing campaign

All Ads tracking is done using Pixels and Click Tracking URLs.

You should consider using this feature to get ad view and ad click directly within your datamart when using DSPs .

Activities tracked through this method will be of DISPLAY_AD $type and NO_SESSION $session_status. See User activity object for more information.

Associated user events

There are two predefined user events that should be tracked during the exposition of a user to an Ad :

Display Ad Pixel

Use the following URL in your tracking pixel to send an $ad_view event to the platform. \
	$ev=$ad_view& \
	... any custom property

Ad Click tracking URL

Use the following click-tracking URL to send an $ad_click event to the platform.
	... any custom property

If you want to integrate with an external DSP / Ad Server such as Google Ad Manager or App Nexus, you can use the ids of the creative ad groups and campaign from your external DSP as technical names. See the integrations below for examples.

Campaign tracking on Google

Display Video 360

You can use the following macros as a minimum configuration for tracking on DV 360 (ex-Doubleclick Bid Manager):

More info on DV360 macros available here:

Campaign Manager 360 integration

You can use the following macros as a minimum configuration for tracking on Campaign Manager 360 (ex-Doubleclick Campaign Manager):

More info on Google Campaign Manager 360 macros can be found here:

And for TCF integration:

Ad Manager integration

You can use the following macros as a minimum configuration for tracking on Ad Manager:

More info on Google Ad Manager macros can be found here:

Campaign tracking on Xandr

You can use the following macros as a minimum configuration for tracking on Xandr:

Video Ad Tracking

Basic video ad tracking can be achieved by integrating the display ad pixel (with $ad_view events) and the click-tracking URL (with $ad_click events) into your video ad format.

For more advanced capabilities, a specific integration can be setup based on the visit pixel (with custom completion events) and an Activity Analyzer. Please advise with your Account Representatives during the design phase.

Passing user identifiers in pixel-based tracking

The following is true for all types of pixel-based tracking (events, ads, email, conversions, ...) which use the API endpoint

You can pass one or more user identifiers when using the $uids field. \
	$ev=$ad_view& \
	... any custom property

jso- prefix means that the rest of the string will be interpreted as a json object.

Don't forget to correctly encode the URL

User Account

User Email

User Agent

Use the registry token, not the id, when formatting the user agent id.

Eg: dev:<registry_token>:<value>

Last updated